irrigation sysetm

How An Irrigation System Can Help You Conserve Water


For the past several years, California has been gripped by severe drought.

Water conservation efforts are absolutely necessary to make sure that there’s enough water to go around. In situations where you can’t or aren’t willing to stop watering turf, it’s important to be aware of how an irrigation system can help you reduce waste while still nourishing your lawn.

Water At The Ideal Time

According to Popular Mechanics, the time right before or after the sun rises is the best time to give your grass a drink. “The a.m. is the best time to water the lawn because the air is cooler and there’s usually not much wind to blow the droplets. In the middle of the day, water evaporates too quickly. And in the evenings, water can cling to the blades of grass overnight, which can cause lawn diseases,” they explain.

Most people don’t have time to get up early and run the sprinkler, but an automatic irrigation system can make sure watering happens on time every day.

Use Only What You Need

It’s very easy to over or under water your lawn when you’re using manual sprinklers. One option is wasteful, while the other is pointless. With an automated irrigation system, you can figure out exactly how long it takes to achieve six inches of soil soak, and set your sprinklers to turn off immediately after.

Eliminate Drift And Evaporation Waste

Traditional sprinkler systems launch water through the air to make sure all corners of a property get hydration. This often results in drift (in which water is carried onto sidewalks and passersby via the wind) and evaporation (in which water sitting on blades of grass disappears before it has a chance to reach the soil). Although they’re not appropriate for large areas of turf, drip irrigation systems can be an easy way to eliminate this waste in small yards or landscaping beds.

Do you have more questions about how irrigation systems can help you conserve water? Contact the experts at one of Kern Turf’s Bakersfield locations today!